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Bike insurance: what are the main Coverages?

When we invest in a material good, whatever it may be, we almost immediately create an attachment and develop a feeling of care for the product. After all, only we know how hard it was to be able to invest a little more for leisure, comfort or to guarantee an …

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Why buy insurance online? Check out the benefits!

Technology has revolutionized today the way of communication, working, and studying. It also provided us with the ability to do business transactions in ways we never thought possible, even in our dreams. One such possibility is buying insurance online. Via the internet, there is no need to visit an insurance broker personally …

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After all, is home insurance expensive?

When it rains heavily, do you worry about forgetting to unplug an appliance? And when you go on vacation, do you feel nervous about having to leave your home unattended for a long period of time? Normal. Taking care of your family’s assets is something everyone worries about and, thankfully, peace of …

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Car accident: when and how to file a claim?

Already, one of the most important points that need to be understood by any user of automotive insurance is that the car accident corresponds to the involuntary and unforeseen occurrences present in the insurance contract—with respect to traffic accidents, accidental fires, robberies, thefts, and losses in general. So what does …

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Is there a difference in car insurance for seniors? Find out here

People live longer and enjoy a better quality of life, probably increasing the number of elderly in society. Therefore, there is an ever-increasing demand for products and services more appropriate to this age class, such as seniors’ car insurance. In this universe of new needs imposed by the market are …

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Do you understand the concept of Civil Liability Insurance?

It is nearly impossible to own a car these days without purchasing third-party liability insurance. In fact, traffic events are almost always independent of the driver’s behavior. Even an experienced driver can be involved in accidents, crashes and other problems. Therefore, it is recommended that you learn about the main features …

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How to develop the habit of studying? Check out the 3 steps!

Do you know how to develop the habit of studying? To achieve our life goals, studying is one of the most important factors. It doesn’t matter if our desire is to pass the entrance exam and take the course of our dreams, learn a certain profession or travel the world: knowledge is power, …

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How to study writing? 8 tips to put into practice

Do you know how to study writing? Many students already know exactly what to do in order to study the several subjects required by Enem, like mathematics, biology, among others. The routine usually involves paying attention to classes, reviewing the content, and doing exercises. Writing, many still don’t know what …

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Study materials: how to organize and use them in learning

Gone are the days when your list of study materials was limited to pencils, erasers, pens and notebooks. As the number of subjects at school or college increases, new items are added to this list to make your day-to-day life easier and more organized. There are many more things happening …

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How to study online? Learn the 8 steps!

Student, do you know how to study online? It is a fact that the internet really has made lives easier. You find super reliable sources for learning only a few clicks away, making it much faster and easier. On the other hand, it’s also one huge source of distraction that …

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How to deal with back-to-school anxiety?

Anxiety related to starting school is a typical symptom that impacts numerous households. Parents with even hectic daily schedules feel the effects of the changes, as do students who must go to bed earlier and balance playtime with study. It is possible, nonetheless, to pass through this phase more calmly …

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4 Ways Parents Can Help Their Children Learn to Read and Write

Find out how your participation in children’s daily lives can be essential for them to become literate more quickly. Although the formal responsibility for teaching children to read and write falls on schools , they are not and cannot be the only ones responsible for this function. Understanding how parents can help …

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How to memorize everything you study?

This question has certainly crossed your mind. And if it hasn’t, believe me, that moment will come. Now, let’s do the following challenge: think of a WhatsApp number that isn’t yours. Can you remember any? Most people, or all of them, probably won’t remember any other number other than their …

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