
How to deal with back-to-school anxiety?

Anxiety related to starting school is a typical symptom that impacts numerous households. Parents with even hectic daily schedules feel the effects of the changes, as do students who must go to bed earlier and balance playtime with study. It is possible, nonetheless, to pass through this phase more calmly …

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How to memorize everything you study?

This question has certainly crossed your mind. And if it hasn’t, believe me, that moment will come. Now, let’s do the following challenge: think of a WhatsApp number that isn’t yours. Can you remember any? Most people, or all of them, probably won’t remember any other number other than their …

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05 tips for organizing school supplies

For five organizing techniques that can help you keep your school supplies organized both now, during back-to-school season, and all through the academic year, check out this post. It is very common to hear about situations in which students forget to bring their notebook, book or other material to an …

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