Performance management: how to improve your team’s productivity

Before investing in practices to improve productivity, both yours and your employees, it is necessary to have performance management in your company. We will explain why in this content.

Firstly, you need to analyze, for example, whether your employees are being unproductive due to habits of disorganization and lack of incentive or because they are working in sectors that do not bring out their best and need to be reallocated.

To evaluate a salesperson’s performance , for example, you will have to define some topics and measure them for a few days and repeat the evaluation. This way, you will be able to obtain data on your performance that must be analyzed carefully.

For this assessment situation, you can start with questions such as:

  • Is the salesperson following the sales script required by the sector?
  • Is it highlighting a certain positive point about the product or service sold?
  • Are they filling out information and following important processes?

With the data collected through these topics, it will be possible to evaluate the salesperson’s performance, discover flaws in the sales process and take necessary measures to improve productivity. Therefore, from that point on, it is possible to develop them to become highly productive. Because productivity is a skill and, therefore, must be encouraged.

In view of this reason, as well as performing execution the board, to have an irrationally useful organization, it is important to expect to foster ways of practicing it. This is so that, after a certain timeframe, being useful quits being an issue and turns into a quality of your organization .

7 tips on how to improve productivity in your company

1. Motivate your employees

It has been proved that inspired employees are more productive. Because they find purpose in what they do, they work with greater excitement.

To motivate your employees, many actions can be taken. From measures that do not require a financial investment to others that have a value from the company.

To motivate your employees, promote training, workshops, lectures, invest in their careers. Show recognition for the work they do and, in addition, reward them for taking time out of their lives to contribute to your business.

2. Delegate tasks appropriately

To properly delegate tasks to the company’s employees, it is necessary to know the sectors well, as well as the talents on your team.

For this, the performance management carried out previously will help you. With this, you will know how to delegate the correct tasks to the right profiles within the company.

The math is simple: if the task is delegated to the most appropriate employee, it will be completed in less time and successfully.

3. Optimize your employees’ time

Investing in time management training for your employees can be a smart strategy to improve productivity.

As shown in tip 1, investing in training develops skills and, equally, motivates the employee.

So, how about effectively training them to be more productive? Teaching them how to optimize their time at work and outside of it.

4 – Encourage exercise in your company

Healthy employees = productive employees

If your employee is almost always in pain or doesn’t take proper care of their health, their productivity could be threatened, right? To change this reality, promote daily exercise interventions in your company.

The sensation caused, for example, by moments of aerobic stretching, and even meditation, will make the next hours of work more productive.

Also, remember to encourage them to extend the moment of care outside the company, ok?

5 – Identify productivity patterns

One of the current trends in companies is to flex the hours and environments where employees carry out their work. The time has come to implement it in yours too.

You probably know that people are productive in different ways. Some are more productive in the morning, others in the afternoon and some at night.

Therefore, make your employees’ schedules more flexible, as well as your work environment. Create a home office day , if possible, for your human capital. This will reflect how much they produce and demonstrate your trust in them.

6 – Establish priorities for your company

What’s the point of your employees being productive if they do the wrong activities? Get to know your company, your needs, what you want to accomplish and where you want to go.

This way, the dedication of your employees will be easily perceived and, equally, your goals will be achieved.

7 – Reward your employees

By rewarding your employees, you will be motivating them and, therefore, encouraging them to be more productive. When we work and are recognized, it’s easy to want to work harder to continue being rewarded, don’t you think?

So, has it become easier to be absurdly productive in business now?

Furthermore, know that performance management can serve as an indicator to test whether the measures to make your employees more productive are really working for your company’s reality.

Now it’s up to you, how about carrying out a performance evaluation in your company and applying the extra tips we’ve presented? Then tell us your results, it will be a pleasure to hear from you.

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