Why buy insurance online? Check out the benefits!

Technology has revolutionized today the way of communication, working, and studying. It also provided us with the ability to do business transactions in ways we never thought possible, even in our dreams. One such possibility is buying insurance online.

Via the internet, there is no need to visit an insurance broker personally to sort out your life. Just enter a website of the company and do all research in one place — without a hassle and very fast.

What is insurance?

Insurance is nothing more than a service provision that an insurance company offers to policyholders (contractors), in which the types of risks that will be covered, the period of time in force and other details regarding how much will be paid (premium) and who the possible beneficiaries will be in the event of coverage are stipulated in the contract ( policy ).

It can be used to protect policyholders — who can be either individuals or legal entities — from many adverse situations, the best known of which are as follows:

  • Life insurance: provides coverage against possible situations that result in the death or disability of the insured or beneficiaries;
  • Car insurance: guarantees coverage in the event that the contractor’s vehicle suffers material damage, theft, robbery or accidents;
  • Health insurance: guarantees medical assistance if the insured person needs it — private health plans are this type;
  • Travel insurance: offers coverage for those traveling abroad and facing some type of situation that results in flight cancellation, the need for medical assistance or lost luggage, for example;
  • Personal property insurance: everyday items such as smartphones, bags and watches can be protected against theft, robbery or loss.

Other than the types of insurance mentioned above, there is home, bike, dental insurance, business insurance, among others. As a matter of fact, a particular insurance type is available for almost every kind of need. You will probably find much more options than what has already been mentioned here if you do a little research.

What are the advantages of buying insurance online?

Apart from the fact that anyone interested in taking out insurance must go to a physical agency and go through all the bureaucratic procedures to get what they want, buying insurance online works the same way — in fact, it’s even easier.

This is because people have several advantages that are not possible in the face-to-face model, check out some of them below:


Having the ability to resolve all issues related to your insurance quote at the time and place of your choosing is truly a gift of the information age. There is nothing like having the power to make decisions just a few clicks or taps away. Waiting to be served at an agency is no longer an obligation. It is simply an option.


Even though people somehow still have a suspicious eye on making transactions online, there is no denying that it has been a real savior for many companies and consumers throughout recent years. Much has been done in cybersecurity to ensure confidentiality for user data and to change the course of how people use the internet to solve everyday problems.

It thus becomes easy to have trust in this technology and take advantage of all the benefits that come with it. Of course, you need to be careful about websites that are not trustworthy—that is, the reputation of the insurance company that is offering the insurance. For this, consult the Superintendence of Private Insurance (SUSEP) to find out more about the company and see that you are not making a bad deal.


Another factor of great importance these days is time. Therefore, having a quick and direct channel with consultants is essential. This makes it much quicker to agree on the details of the insurance policy, resolve any pending issues and ensure that both parties reach a common denominator more quickly.

This can all be done through a simple form that returns all the desired simulations, ensuring a smoother process and greater satisfaction.

How to buy insurance online?

As we mentioned in this post, buying insurance online offers advantages to policyholders in terms of convenience, security and speed. These and other features are what make the model so dynamic and functional.

Buying insurance online is very easy: just log onto the broker’s website, seek out a quote form, fill in all the information required, and process the simulation. That is all it takes.

Despite this practicality, it is essential to pay attention to some very important requirements in a brokerage firm. Check them out below:

Reputable broker

There is no point in having an excellent user experience if the services provided by the insurance company are terrible. Therefore, be very careful when making your decision. It is best to thoroughly research the available options, check the company’s current situation with SUSEP and then make your final decision.

User-friendly platform

Having a pleasant and efficient online experience is essential these days, whether it’s a banking app, a car app, or an insurance broker. So, browse the website of the company you’re interested in and check if it’s easy to find the forms, menus, and if the information is displayed efficiently. This will make a big difference when buying insurance online.

Recommendations from other consumers

Social media is the thermometer of the internet and having contact with the opinions of people who have already tried the services you are interested in is a great source of information about the insurance you want to purchase. In addition to these, there are reputation websites. Check them out too to get a broader view and make a better decision.

Decisions are pretty hard to make, and thus need to be computed with much caution and certainty regarding what one does, after all, to be able to influence positively on that which will come in the future. Moreover, counting on something that minimizes chances of something going wrong is also essential in the present.

Therefore, considering purchasing insurance online can be a decision that will completely change the way you see your life and that of your family. After all, it is never too much to protect the ones we love.

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