Rain, flooding and hail: what is car insurance coverage like in these cases?

In times of unstable weather, such as the summer, it is important to have adequate coverage and know that your insurance will cover natural disasters. It is essential to ensure protection for your vehicle in cases of flooding, hailstorms and other damage caused by the forces of nature.

However, many drivers have doubts about how insurance works in these cases. With this in mind, we will list all the specifics of these Coverages, including tips to ensure that you are entitled to compensation and avoid greater losses.

Are you interested? Then follow this post to find out more!

Floods and inundations

During the summer, it is very common to encounter strong storms that appear suddenly. These events, although momentary, usually cause a lot of damage to cities, causing flooding and inundation that often damages vehicles and disrupts traffic.

In these cases, those who have car insurance generally guarantee protection for their car, as comprehensive coverage — commonly contracted — ensures compensation against any damage caused by natural events.

However, it is necessary to be aware of some peculiarities of this situation. First, you must check which car insurance coverage was purchased, because in specific cases, only against theft and robbery, for example, there will be no compensation for floods and inundations.

Secondly, even if you have comprehensive coverage, there are situations in which the insured loses the right to compensation. This happens when the risk of the accident  is intentionally increased by the driver.

An example of this is a driver who, knowing that there is a flood just ahead, decides to drive through it anyway and, as a result, ends up damaging his vehicle. By doing so, he immediately loses his right to compensation.

Therefore, to ensure protection against flooding and waterlogging,  never intentionally expose your car to risky situations . Remember that insurance only covers misfortunes and unforeseen events that are beyond the insured’s control.


Another natural event that can damage vehicles is hail, in addition to the possibility of falling trees and landslides during severe storms.

As we mentioned in the previous topic, comprehensive auto insurance coverage also guarantees standard protection against these events, so that the insured will only have to pay the deductible amount to have their car repaired.

There is also the option of purchasing additional coverage for windows and windshields. This way, if there is no damage to the vehicle’s bodywork, but some of the glass is broken or cracked, you can choose to pay only the deductible for that specific coverage — which is usually much lower — to repair the vehicle.

It is worth noting that, in these cases, the rule that the insured cannot intentionally increase the risk of damage to the vehicle, under penalty of losing the right to insurance compensation, also applies. In other words, if there is hail or a very strong storm, avoid taking the car out of the garage to avoid risks.

In situations where you are caught by surprise and your vehicle is damaged, simply contact 24-hour assistance to contact the insurance company and explain your situation to report the claim.

Typically, you will need to send a tow truck to remove the car and then pay the deductible to have it repaired.

Importance of insurance to protect yourself from bad weather

In general, weather events have been increasing all over the world. In much of heavy rains, floods and hail are occurring more frequently, causing significant losses and damage.

Vehicles affected by accidents of this nature suffer damage that often leads to the total loss of the car. Therefore, there is an increasing need to protect against the elements and guarantee this asset through car insurance.

However, drivers must take certain precautions, such as not acting negligently with regard to the safety of the vehicle against these factors. Otherwise, the insurer may understand that the insured created the risk, as in cases where the insured insists on crossing a flooded area.

Aspects to consider when choosing car insurance

There is no denying that car insurance is essential: everyone knows this. However, it is important to keep in mind some important aspects, among others, when taking out insurance, so that you have real protection, which is the very reason for insurance.

Identifying real needs

Your situation should determine the type of insurance you will purchase for your vehicle. Therefore, identify the risk situations to which you may be exposed, especially due to your routines, parking location, common local weather events, and others.

Quotation of proposals

Get quotes from several insurance companies and get to know each one’s proposals. Your insurance broker is the best way to do this: they know the market and know where the proposals that best suit your needs are.

Coverages offered

To meet your needs, check the coverage offered and the price of each. Take into account, in the case of weather events, the presence of this protection, its scope and what circumstances may affect it.

Identify the franchise that best suits your profile

Each person has a different economic profile, but also a different risk profile for vehicle accidents. Keep your characteristics in mind and decide on the deductible that best suits your situation.

Best time to get car insurance

The answer to this question is simple and straightforward: the best time to insure a car is immediately after purchasing it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a new, brand-new or used vehicle, as the need for protection is the same.

Although many people consider letting the first months of the year pass by, when there is a natural concentration of expenses (IPVA, schools, etc.), the risks do not choose a specific date. In addition, rains are concentrated during this period in several regions of the country.

Insurance claim in the event of bad weather

In the event of a flood, for example, the driver must get out of the vehicle and contact the insurance company immediately. At this point, the driver must describe exactly what is happening and whether a tow truck is needed, if applicable.

The inspection carried out by the insurer will indicate the next steps to be taken. It is important that the driver does not attempt to cross flooded areas, that he informs the insurer and that he follows the instructions provided.

Automotive coverage, as a rule, guarantees protection against hail, flooding and any other damage resulting from the forces of nature. In other words, the insurance pays for natural disasters, as long as the insured does not intentionally expose the car to risk.

But to make sure you are getting the best possible service, it is important to have a good broker who can answer all your questions. Always take your broker’s advice into account.

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