Student, do you know how to study online? It is a fact that the internet really has made lives easier. You find super reliable sources for learning only a few clicks away, making it much faster and easier.
On the other hand, it’s also one huge source of distraction that doesn’t let many students follow their study routines.
Now, how exactly does one study online? Today, in this article, we are going to cover all that you would want to know on this very subject. Let’s go!
How do I study online?
You can learn a lot and maintain a solid study routine online.
In addition to being an easy-to-use mechanism for younger generations, it has a series of accessible tools for those who cannot or do not want to pay for a face-to-face preparatory course, for example.
Here, however, one needs discipline. With such a huge amount of information at their fingertips, it’s easy to log in and take a break from studies.
If you still wonder how to begin, then right now we will explain what to do and how to study online—right from the very beginning: what to do first, where good content is found, and many other things.
1. Establish a good study space
In addition to being very important for maintaining your focus and concentration, finding a good place to study online is essential so that you are not interrupted by factors that do not depend on you.
Taking this into consideration, it is very important that your study place has a good internet connection. After all, you don’t want to waste time playing the dinosaur game, do you?
If you don’t have a good connection at home, you can look for public libraries, schools and even public universities where you can connect to the internet.
It is also important that your study space is organized, comfortable and calm to study, looking for times when there is little movement in your home. This will help you eliminate distractions and maintain your study routine, which is very important for you to stick to your schedule (we will talk about this later!).
2. Read the exam notice
Want to know where to start studying? Read the exam announcement for the test you are going to take. In this document, you will find the subjects that may be covered and that you should therefore study.
This is essential for you to maintain emotional control — without freaking out because you think you have to study everything you should have learned in your life — and keep your feet on the ground, without spending time on subjects you shouldn’t.
Remember: when it comes to studying online, focus is key!
Understanding what will be on the test — whether it’s the Enem, traditional entrance exam, public exam, etc. — will also help you organize your study schedule.
3. Set a study schedule
Setting up a controlled study is important, so before you embark on reading everything in sight, you should therefore plan your study. Now that you know what you are to study-after all, you have already read the exam notice-, it is time to know how you are going to do it.
Set aside time for studying and organize within it the content needing coverage.
Don’t think about having a crazy routine, okay? Keep in mind that sleep and leisure are also essential for you to learn and memorize the content.
It is also important to follow a logical order in your schedule. First, include the subjects that will serve as a base and, over the months, add the more advanced subjects.
How about having a strategy to ensure that you are motivated to study? You can set daily goals that will help you to actually study what needs to be studied.
For example: after finishing everything you decided you would learn that day, you can watch an episode of your favorite series.
Establishing a system of goals and rewards makes it much easier to stick to your routine and maintain discipline!
4. Disconnect from social media
Social media platforms, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and many others, are a good source of fuel for one’s distractions. Who is never stopping for a moment to scroll prosthetic ally through their timeline for 5 minutes, and before they know it, half an hour has just passed by?
Therefore, during your study hours, it is important that you disconnect from social media. You can put it on airplane mode or turn off notifications for a certain period, for example.
This way, you don’t run the risk of having your attention diverted, you optimize your studies and still have time to update your social media at the right time.
5. Find out which content formats are best for you
Do you learn more by reading or watching a video? Do you prefer listening to an audio or analyzing a mind map?
The internet offers the most diverse possibilities of content formats for you to study: online books, video classes, info graphics, mind maps…
You can try some of them and find out which ones work best for you. Maybe you are a more dynamic person and prefer watching video lessons. However, on your way to school, for example, you can listen to a podcast about current affairs!
Take advantage of all the opportunities the internet offers you to learn better and faster. Use this powerful tool you have at your fingertips to optimize your studies!
6. Find the right place to study
Here we are not talking about your place of study, but rather about the website or platform you will use to learn.
There are currently several companies that produce content for students and make it available online. You can use free tools such as blogs, podcasts and even YouTube.
However, to have an even more efficient study routine, you can use the various low-cost tools developed to help you learn more and faster.
7. Take breaks
Studying for endless hours in a row doesn’t work! You need a break every few hours to maintain good concentration.
If you don’t know how long to study and when to take a break, a great option is to learn about the Pomodoro technique, a methodology that will help you be more productive in your studies.
According to this methodology, you study for 25 minutes and then take a 5-minute break — which you can use to take a walk, check social media, etc. After 4 study breaks, you can take a longer break of 15 to 30 minutes.
8. Review the contents
Finally, reviewing the content you studied is always important, and it’s no different for you if you do it online!
Reviewing is essential to help you memorize the material. So, set aside some time to look at your notes and remember what you studied. This will make it much easier to get a good score on the test!