How to memorize everything you study?

This question has certainly crossed your mind. And if it hasn’t, believe me, that moment will come. Now, let’s do the following challenge: think of a WhatsApp number that isn’t yours. Can you remember any? Most people, or all of them, probably won’t remember any other number other than their own, with rare exceptions, of course.

Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean your memory is bad, but it does show a change in people’s behavior. Imagine that before the ease of technology, people had to memorize more information. It was common for a person to know the numbers of their parents, friends, and other people close to them by heart.

The convenience of sharing and storing information through technology has reduced the need for memorization. This is fantastic in that you’re not worried about this kind of thing anymore, but it’s also great since your memorization skills have gotten a little “rusty” over time. This process of remembering is also harmed by an abundance of information.

Who has never been in the situation of studying for hours for a test and then going blank when it was time to take the test? Or worse, that moment when you are talking to a friend but are interrupted and then simply cannot remember the main topic. Frustration soon follows, doesn’t it? But fortunately, there is a solution for almost everything. That’s why we have put together some tips for you so that you can memorize everything you study and not have to go through this again.

1. Don’t just rely on your memory

It may seem a bit contradictory, but let us explain. According to the GTD® Method, known as Get Things Done, created by David Allen, over 30 years of studies on productivity techniques, one of the steps to improve memorization is capture. This means that the first step is not to rely solely on memory, that is, write down the information and content you are studying in a notebook and use Post-Its to write down information that deserves to be highlighted.

This exercise is very interesting because, at the same time as you free up more space in your head for new information, it is also a way for you to select what is most important, so that when you revisit a certain content, the information that was most important to you will already be more accessible. In addition, the practice of writing things down stimulates the ability to summarize the subjects and reinforces what was studied. Sometimes, people end up thinking that they don’t need to write anything down because they will remember it later, but, in the midst of so much information, it is very difficult to remember everything, so the tip is this: write it down and underline it with a colored pen.

A method for organizing notes in a different, more visual way, with less text, is mind maps. With them, you can place the main idea about a given subject in the center and then make connections with concepts, making it easier to memorize.

2. Be a teacher

No, you won’t actually need to be a teacher. Unless you’re studying for it. What we mean is that when you put yourself in the role of a teacher, that is, when you transmit or explain a subject to someone, that knowledge is automatically reinforced in your brain. This practice is great when you’re going to take a test or give a presentation about something.

So, don’t be shy, if a college colleague doesn’t understand the subject very well and you do, take the opportunity to explain the subject as a way of helping others, but also as reinforcement for yourself.

This tip is amazing. Try it and you will see how much of a difference it will make in your studies. Then tell us if it worked.

3. Talk to yourself and act

A bit similar to the last tip, however, the idea here is that if you don’t have anyone to talk to about a topic, do it alone.

This way, you will have more freedom to test your line of reasoning or ways of speaking. Use your imagination to speak, set intentions, and act it out. When you create images and scenes in your head, it becomes much easier to memorize a subject and helps you not forget it easily. Generally, the brain remembers images more than words.

Also, an extra tip, if you are going to give a presentation, for example, it is interesting to be clear about what you are going to say, mentally organize the subjects and know how to modulate your voice, giving intention to the words, after all, nobody likes monotonous presentations.

So, besides being a memorization exercise, you will also be able to make your presentation much more dynamic and engaging.

4. Reflect on what you learned during the day

Try to pause after a long day of work and study to think back on the things that went on and the new things you discovered. According to a Harvard Business School research, call centre employees’ productivity increased by 23% after they took 15 minutes to reflect at the end of the workday. In a journal, these professionals also recorded their daily activities.

This moment is a way to organize and develop relationships between all new and old information.

As you have seen, there are several tips on how to improve your memory, but remember, memory is something that needs to be exercised constantly. Therefore, in addition to these tips, try reading books, doing puzzles, and doing crosswords. Little by little, you will see that your memory will become sharper and, consequently, it will help you to be a much more productive person in your studies, at work, and even in your relationships with other people.

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