Want to improve your academic results? Check out this article for 12 ways post-its can help you in your study routine.
Although the invention of the post-it in 1976 was seen as something of little use , precisely due to the presence of glue with little adhesion, over the years the little pieces of paper that stick and come off easily from many surfaces ended up showing themselves to be an excellent alternative when it comes to studying and creating organizational schemes.
When we are studying a certain subject, it is important to make observations so that the information is better stored and also to highlight important topics within the material read — and the post-it is an excellent ally on these occasions.
The fact is that, even though the use of post-its seems obvious, it is possible to maximize the functions of these colorful reminders. To help you be more successful in your studies, we have separated some incredible tips on how to use post-its — see below!
How to use post-it’s in your studies
1. Create mind maps
A mind map is a diagram where you define the subject of your study and its main points. This way, after reading a lot about a certain topic, you can memorize the content by observing the relationship between the most relevant topics.
Mind mapping is a way to create a visual representation of the topics you are studying. You can stick post-its directly on the wall and, in this area, insert new ideas or important points about the main topic. This visualization helps a lot when it comes to fixing the content in your memory.
2. Use the Design Thinking strategy
Design Thinking is a way of structuring your notes based on visual criteria. Regarding the use of post-its, the method can be applied when you separate your notes according to their respective niches and create this segmentation visually, with post-its of different colors that are used to write down information within separate categories. When it comes to having an overview of what was written down, the differentiation of colors will be important.
3. Plan better
Any action, when planned in advance, has a greater chance of generating positive results, and the same logic applies to your studies. Post-its can help you have more control over your time management, your deadlines, your goals, and even show which milestones have already been achieved. Write down your study or reading strategies, for example, and stick the post-its in places where you can change them as you complete each step.
4. Transfer Trello to your wall
Trello is a very versatile online tool that helps you organize your tasks into columns. This workflow perception is based on the Kanban system, which creates cards to segment content. With post-its, you can do the same thing, organizing functions, ideas, deadlines and anything else that needs to be systematized.
For example, you can stick a column of post-its on a board, and write down the articles that need to be read. In another column, there are post-its with the articles that have already been read and summarized, and so on. All you have to do is move each post-it around as the work progresses, resulting in a visual diagram of what has already been done and what still needs to be done.
5. Write down formulas, laws and concepts
Some exact science subjects, such as physics, chemistry and mathematics, have several formulas that need to be applied to solve exercises. Putting them on post-it’s that are visible can help you not only save time when using them, but also in memorizing each one.
6. Choose the right places to stick the post-its
If your intention is not to create a mind map on your wall, you can use post-it’s to create small reminders and, in these cases, positioning them in the correct place makes all the difference.
Let’s say you need to remember an online meeting with your study group. Instead of writing it down on a Post-it and sticking it in your planner, for example, it’s better to stick it somewhere where you’ll see it often, like in the corner of your computer screen, for example.
7. Don’t take long notes
Ideally, your notes should be brief, with key words that refer to the main subject and that can recall the content that is already recorded in your mind. Therefore, there is no point in writing long texts in tiny letters on the post-it sheet, especially because it is not an A4 sheet and is small enough to serve as a reminder of the main points, not to summarize all the material studied.
8. Write down the content you have the most difficulty with
If you already know a subject, you don’t need to create reminders about it, right? However, when the topic is more complicated or something completely new, it’s worth taking notes, such as in the case of formulas, laws, names or dates.
9. Separate your doubts
During your study time , it is common for doubts to arise. With the help of post-its, you can separate them so that you can seek help from your teacher or classmates in the next class. By writing down the questions you want to ask, or the page number of the content that raised a question, you can ensure that no doubts are forgotten.
10. Highlight content from books and notebooks
You can use post-its to make small notes in the books and notebooks you use to study, adding your own notes about the most important content and even reminders for yourself the next time you review that content. This type of note can also be used as a bookmark, indicating where a book or notebook should be opened so that you can continue reviewing the content that needs to be studied.
11. Reminder about tests and assignments
There’s no point in studying so much and missing the deadline for a test or assignment, right? To avoid getting confused between the various tests and activities that academic life will require of you, there’s nothing better than writing down the days and times of your commitments on a post-it .
12. Messages to inspire you
We know that academic life is often exhausting, and that after long hours or days of studying, it is common to feel tired or discouraged. Therefore, there is nothing better than having something in sight to inspire you when these moments arise. You can include motivational phrases or even how you imagine your life when you are reaping the results of your efforts. The important thing is to have something that serves as inspiration while you study.