Car accident: when and how to file a claim?

Already, one of the most important points that need to be understood by any user of automotive insurance is that the car accident corresponds to the involuntary and unforeseen occurrences present in the insurance contract—with respect to traffic accidents, accidental fires, robberies, thefts, and losses in general.

So what does it mean to file a claim? Well, it really is just like saying filing an insurance claim. It means that you describe to them what happened, and then they help you with it. Filing this, one of the most critical procedures in guaranteeing your coverage, should ensure you are properly informed.

We will give you a view in this post of how and when you should file a claim for your car. Check it out below!

Types of claim

Before understanding when you should file a claim for your car, it is important to know that there are different types of coverage. There are basically two situations.

If this cannot be recovered, it involves the filing of a full claim -popularly known as a “total loss.” The insurance company will provide a guarantee for the full value of the car in such a case.

If the car can be repaired, then that would involve a case of partial claim. Partial means damages corresponding to up to 75% of the appraised value of the asset.

For example, if you have an accident with your car and only the bumper gets damaged, that will be a partial damage. But if it is highly damaged and the price of its repair is higher than 75 percent of the vehicle’s price—for example, more than R$37.500 on a R$50.000 car—the loss will already be classified as full. The same happens to cases of theft or robbery where the car was not recovered—full coverage applies.

When and how to file a car accident claim?

When someone hits your car and doesn’t take the blame

However, if it cannot by any means be determined who is at fault—for instance, due to the flight of the driver—or he or she does not want to plead responsible, you can contact your insurance company immediately.

In this same contact, schedule an inspection at the workshop where your car will be repaired. Detail: usually, insurance companies have partner workshops that offer benefits, such as a discount on the deductible or an extra car.

After submitting the necessary information, your report will be reviewed by an analysis team. This team will determine the coverage so that your vehicle can then be inspected and released for repair.

When you crash the car

In the event of a car accident where the damages are considerable, then inform your insurance company, which will facilitate inspection at a garage. In case it cannot be started, your insurance company can help you by arranging for a tow truck.

After that, once again, the information will be analyzed so that the car repair can be authorized.

If you have crashed into someone else’s car, you can use third party damage insurance (only if you have purchased this option).

When your car is stolen

In the event of a robbery or theft, the first action to take is to call the police and file a  police report  . After that, you can contact the insurance company for guidance on how to proceed.

The broker will request that all documents be sent for partial compensation (if the vehicle is found damaged) or full compensation (if the vehicle is not located).

When your car catches fire

Regardless of the damage caused by the fire, the claim can always be filed. Depending on the insurance company’s standards, the necessary documents will be required to investigate the case and proceed with the coverage.

When your car is a victim of flooding

This is a type of incident that is becoming increasingly common in large Brazilian cities. However, what many people don’t know is that insurance can be activated in cases of flooding.

Even if the damage appears to be minor, you can contact the insurance company to have an inspection carried out.

When not to file a claim for your car?

When someone hits your car and you’re third

If you were definitely not responsible for the collision, you will be considered a third party. In these cases, your coverage will be guaranteed by the insurance of the person who caused the accident.

Therefore, it becomes very important to talk to the driver of the other vehicle and jot down all of his details: name, address, driver’s license number, et cetera.

It is also very important to note the insurance details of whosoever caused the damage. You can thereby phone the other guy’s insurance company and file a third-party claim. You won’t be filing a claim for your car, but that will help you get the claim from another driver’s third-party.

To have the repair done, present the police report and your documents. You will then be sent to an accredited workshop.

When the damage is minimal

When you purchase insurance, you choose a deductible: an amount you’ll pay to receive coverage. Occasional minor damage may be cheaper than the deductible rate in some cases.

In these cases, there is no point in filing a claim. Even in this scenario, make sure that you file your police report for accidents with injuries or theft/robbery.

How to file a claim: extra tips to avoid stress

In case of injuries, call for emergency services.

If anyone is injured (even if minor), always call emergency services and wait at the scene with the injured until help arrives.

Gather the documentation required by the insurance company

Calling the insurance company without the necessary documents will only make things more difficult, as you will have to make new contacts. The documentation varies from one company to another, so it is worth paying attention to the requirements of your broker.

Most insurance companies usually ask for:

  • information on the date, time and location of the accident;
  • Driver’s license;
  • other personal documents of the driver;
  • Vehicle registration certificate;
  • Police Report;
  • Insurance company claim form.

File a police report in case of robbery or theft

Reinforcing: in case of robbery or theft, the police report is mandatory for reimbursement, as it serves as proof of the loss. Therefore, do not forget to contact the police and carry out the procedure.

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