Bike insurance: what are the main Coverages?

When we invest in a material good, whatever it may be, we almost immediately create an attachment and develop a feeling of care for the product. After all, only we know how hard it was to be able to invest a little more for leisure, comfort or to guarantee an item that will help in professional activity.

This range of products includes, of course, cars, smartphones, real estate and, more recently, bicycles.

With the evolution of bikes and the priority given to our leisure and well-being, they end up being targeted by people with bad intentions who, nowadays, already know how to identify a well-assembled bike that can have great value.

Furthermore, accidents can happen and your bike can suffer damage that will require expenses.

The good news, however, is that there are now some good bike insurance options available on the market that will give you, who are passionate about bicycles, a little more confidence to ride your bike on the streets with greater safety.

In this post, you will learn about the advantages of hiring a service of this type, what the main Coverages are and how to carefully choose the ideal insurance for you and your bike!

Bike insurance: peace of mind in a risky scenario

Statistics prove it: unfortunately, cases of theft and robbery involving bikes have been increasing throughout the country.

This rate grows with the increase in the number of people who cycle as a leisure activity, physical activity or even as a professional activity.

To guarantee the safety and leisure of those who have bicycles as a valuable and highly valued asset, bike insurance emerges as a strong option for peace of mind for those who have bicycles considered sophisticated, equipped and valuable.

With more and more cyclists becoming aware of and adopting them, these insurance policies are generally available for sports bikes worth more than R$3,000. Each one has its own particularities, and most of them cover accidents caused by external causes, robberies and qualified thefts at home or during transportation. Let’s now understand how each of these Coverages works.

Theft and robbery: safety at home and on the bike

Whether in big cities or in areas considered quieter, it is always ideal to be able to relax and know that your bike, in which you have invested a lot, is safer against theft and robbery.

This aspect is one of the most important when it comes to taking out bike insurance. Coverage against theft and robbery must be very detailed and guarantee protection when it is stored at home or when you are cycling during training or even during a sports competition.

Some good plans also cover incidents that occur during transportation. In other words, if your bike, properly stored on specific racks, is involved in some type of public safety problem on the way to a competition, it will also be covered.

Bike damage: accidents and maintenance

The high cost of a good bicycle raises concerns about possible accidents and damage that could be caused to it and how expensive it could be to repair.

One of the possible Coverages of bike insurance is the possibility of repairs and fixes. In other words, if you crashed your bike while riding or a natural accident caused damage to it, you may be fully or partially compensated, depending on the plan you choose.

External accidents

As is common with most insurance policies, the best bike insurance policies also cover damage caused by external causes. This category includes unpredictable events such as lightning, fires and explosions of any nature.

Civil liability: beware of third parties

In everyday traffic or in a competition: it doesn’t matter, we are always vulnerable and susceptible to ending up involved in some type of accident with third parties.

Good bicycle insurance provides coverage in the event of an accident, such as a collision in which someone is injured by your bike. Medical expenses and repairs to damages caused to those involved are among the possible Coverages.

Trust: be careful when taking out insurance

With the growing market demand for this protection of material assets and support in complicated situations involving bikes, it is common for the supply of insurance to also grow at the same rate. However, when choosing the company that will take care of your bike, you need to pay extra attention. Here are some key points that you should highlight during your research:

  • Before hiring and making initial payments, do your research! Check the company’s reputation and history to avoid unnecessary headaches when you need to contact them;
  • It is also important to check the entire list of coverage offered by the insurer and determine whether those items meet your needs and will ensure a smooth experience on your bike rides;
  • Give preference to companies that offer coverage throughout the country. This way, if you are traveling or taking part in a race in a state other than your home state, you will have no problems when resolving claims;
  • Ensure practicality in the process and make quotes and contracts online! This saves time and ensures that your bike is protected quickly;
  • Focus on the differences: some insurance companies offer benefits with partner companies, discounts and even points in mileage programs! Check out all these advantages when choosing your company;
  • Finally, check out the forms of service that will ensure agility and comfort when solving your problem. After all, if you are already going through a complicated situation involving your bike, you don’t want another headache with your insurance company, do you?

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