To grow in your career, you need to invest in a higher education course. Many people know this, but they can’t quit their jobs to start college, especially because they need the salary to pay the tuition fees. Although it’s a busy routine that requires dedication and discipline, know that it’s possible to work and study at the same time.
The first step is to organize your schedule carefully and be responsible in fulfilling all your commitments. It is also important to choose a specific environment for studying and have the support of those close to you to cope with this exhausting journey.
If you want to grow professionally, you should get a degree, but you can do it without quitting your job. Want to know how to balance both activities? Check out our post and get 7 tips!
1. Organize your schedule
The first recommendation for those who want to work and study at the same time is to structure their routine, as there are several commitments that must be fulfilled during the week. To do this, make a spreadsheet for each day and list the activities for each time slot.
It’s a way for you to organize yourself without letting your studies interfere with your work and vice versa. It’s important, however, to be very responsible and disciplined in order to do what’s set for each schedule. Don’t forget to do your scheduled activities, especially your college activities — such as reading and other assignments.
2. Find a space to study
In addition to organizing your schedule, you need to have a suitable environment for studying. This could be in your bedroom or in a corner of the living room that has a desk, lamp and other objects that help you review the material, read books and do your undergraduate work and exercises.
Choose a quiet place where you can really concentrate on your studies. If you can’t do this at home, look for a library — it could be the one at your college or one near your home or work.
3. Don’t lose focus on work
During your working hours, focus on your work activities. This way, you can perform your duties with quality and avoid having to stay overtime and miss, for example, a class at college.
The tip is to stay away from distractions — like having long conversations with colleagues or spending too much time on your cell phone, looking at messaging apps or social media.
4. Take advantage of short breaks to study
Anyone who works and studies at the same time will certainly have a busy routine, but it is possible to take advantage of short breaks to catch up on your studies.
You can study, for example:
- when you go to work — when you are waiting for the bus or during the journey;
- after lunch, before resuming work;
at home — just before bed.
5. Ask for support from family and friends
Completing higher education will be an important step in your professional life. The diploma will open doors in the job market , provide a higher income and even the possibility of promotion within the company.
Therefore, it is essential that people close to you — such as family and friends — help you face this double shift. Ask them to understand so that you will not be disturbed or even be excused from a household task so that you can study for the next day’s test.
Explain to your friends that all this effort has a greater purpose, which is why you will be less likely to be absent from meetings during the week.
6. Form a group with your college friends
In your college class, there will be people with the same profile as you and who are facing the same exhausting routine. Because of this, graduation becomes a good time to make great friends.
It is important to form a group with these colleagues (it can be for face-to-face meetings or even via WhatsApp), so that you can exchange experiences, help each other when it comes to clearing up doubts for the test or even to let off steam.
This group is also essential for networking — the network of professional contacts —, which can lead to job referrals at the end of the course or even successful partnerships.
7. Don’t neglect your health
To be able to handle this marathon, you must be in good physical and mental health. As a result, leading a healthy lifestyle is crucial. Here are some pointers:
- don’t skip meals and prioritize a light and nutritious menu;
- include moments of physical activity in your routine;
- Sleep at least 8 hours a night, so that your body can really rest and you can relax to absorb everything you learned the day before.
Speaking of healthy living, it is also essential that you set aside a day to rest, where you can get away from your studies and work activities. Take the opportunity to spend time with family and friends and have some leisure time.