What is a futuristic vision and what are the skills of this professional

When you think about the future of work, can you project a new reality, with trends, possibilities, scenarios and news? Because this is all part of the profile of a professional who has a futuristic vision, a capacity that is increasingly valued by companies in all areas of the job market.

But at the end of the day, what does this mean? What do you need to do to develop this competency? And how to go beyond common sense to make projections that will really impact business?

To answer all your questions, in this article you will find the answers you need to understand how you can work on this skill. It is a true mix of soft skills and hard skills, and the faster you can internalize it, the easier you will achieve your career goals.

Futuristic vision: what is it?

Having a vision for the future means that you are able to project scenarios for the future based on data, research, trends and society’s behavior.

To achieve this, professionals must rely on a series of fields of study, focusing on behavior, to understand the possibilities of events and situations in the following years.

This includes studying technology, culture, science, business, behavior, statistics and research in general, ensuring a 360º view of the present and some arrows on the likely future. It is divided between emerging future, which will happen now, post-emergent, in a period of 5 to 10 years, and future-future, after more than 10 years.

Why is it important to have?

As much as the ability to observe the present and see how it will unfold in the future has always been important, today this skill is fundamental. After all, technological and social changes are catalysts for trends, which while promoting continuous transformations, also enable a much clearer understanding of the coming years.

So, being aware of all these nuances means you will be able to “fish” for possibilities much more quickly. And this is extremely valuable for all companies that keep an eye on the world’s movements and want to innovate, remaining relevant for a long time.

Therefore, when you prove to companies that you can have a critical and strategic vision about the future, you show that you are capable of expanding your business vision. In other words, you deliver invaluable value to organizations, with data and forecasts that will guide strategic decisions and institutional positions.

What are the skills of a forward-thinking professional?

In short, developing this skill is a continuous process throughout your professional career. The task is based on combining your technical knowledge about the area and sector in which you operate, with a series of soft skills that make it possible to predict the future.

1 – Technical knowledge about the area

Firstly, professionals who want to “predict the future” need to know the area in which they are working. For example, a healthcare finance expert may have excellent insights into the sector but make incorrect predictions about retail finance.

After all, his main focus is health, and all his experience within the sector means he accumulates valuable knowledge and understanding to be able to look to the future of the area.

2 – Data analysis and identification of trends

The next step is to be able to perform data analysis and, thus, identify the trends that are hidden behind the volume of information. Being able to find “needles in haystacks” is precisely one of the great skills of professionals with a vision of the future, who know how to understand what will stand out in the future.

3 – Critical sense to evaluate movements

However, you may have already realized that anyone can consider themselves capable of making this type of prediction, right? Opinion columns and professional social networks are full of “analysts” and “experts” who see potential in any slight indication of a trend and, often, they get it badly wrong.

This happens because critical sense is one of the main soft skills for learning to read the “crystal ball” of your area. And not everyone can develop it throughout their professional career.

4 – Voracious curiosity

Being curious is a prerequisite for being a good professional in all possible areas. And when it comes to identifying trends, curiosity cannot be left out.

She is responsible for questioning the present, investigating new possibilities, giving the opportunity for new ideas and thinking about the future outside the box. And this is exactly how you will be able, increasingly, to have clarity about the following years.

5 – Empathy and humanity

A large number of the changes in the gig market and sectors of the economy are driven by social demands. This means that you want to have sympathy and a human perspective while examining the ongoing social setting of the world, assessing individuals’ significant complaints, endlessly desires, whether for issues connected with work or life overall.

For instance, individuals are increasingly worried about their prosperity and personal satisfaction. As they spend a huge piece of their days at work, the conditions presented by the company become a significant differentiator while choosing where to work.

In the same way, society wants companies to assume their environmental responsibility and commit to leaving a less negative impact on the world. So, having empathy to understand current demands is essential to have a preview of what the world will be like in the coming years.

6 – Open mind for innovation

Finally, remember to keep your psyche open to possibilities. Frequently, promising suggestions for the future are directly before you, but since you are stuck in an obsolete mindset, you neglect to see the potential and let a once in a lifetime chance slip by everyone’s notice.

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