Professional self-development: follow these 7 strategies

Do you know what professional self-development is and how to put it into practice? The expression is big and may leave you confused, but you don’t need to be scared. In reality, it is quite simple to understand, and you will see how intuitive it is to understand the steps to achieve it.

How important is professional self-development?

So, let’s start by defining the term. Professional self-development is such when one realizes that he has to grow and take responsibility for his career in his hands if he wants to change things without sticking to one job. After all, professional life is like a staircase, and you can’t take that next step if you are not able to step on every step.

Hence, since you understand that your career is completely up to you, it will then be quite easier to understand why self-development is so important. It is the way of your journey, and you might not even know what strategies exist to achieve it.

Even though each process is individual, it is possible to use some guides to understand the best paths and attitudes. And today we have separated 7 examples that will help you. See each of them below.

Career self-development in 7 strategies

1 – Have tangible goals and objectives

An important point is being able to make your goals tangible. In other words, think about goals that are “tangible” and objective, and not just subjective desires.

For example, if you want to be a reference professional in your field, think about what that means. What skills does this person need to have? How and why does it differ from the majority? What positions does she hold? What does she know?

This type of exercise will help you become more clear about what you want to achieve, helping to make your development journey more direct and easier to achieve.

2 – Don’t lose focus!

When we think about a professional journey, we are talking about a process that takes years and, often, decades.

This means that you will still make mistakes, get frustrated, question your choices, change your mind (and perhaps even your area), recalculate the route and start over. In the midst of this whirlwind of events that occur over the years, it is normal for you to start to lose focus.

Sometimes the problem is uncertainty and mistakes. Sometimes it’s the daily grind that makes you lose sight of your long-term goals. What matters is to stay firm, always remembering the goals you have set and want to achieve no matter what.

3 – Develop the skills that the market values

As the years pass, the job market transforms and adapts to the needs of everyone involved. Which means that, throughout your career, you will see companies value a range of different skills in their employees.

For example, in recent years companies have started to look more closely at soft skills . They are emotional competencies, which describe the way you act and behave at work. And it seems that they will remain on the rise for a long time, after all, not only technical skills can build a successful team.

4 – Never stop studying

If you still believe that a degree is all you need to stand out, we have bad news. It’s been some time since it stopped being enough, for a number of reasons.

They include constant changes in all professions, requiring updated employees, the search for professionals specialized in particular topics and the high competition for vacancies in the job market, among other issues.

This all shows that keeping your studies in your routine is a great way to self-develop, ensuring that your CV will attract attention in selection processes and will also achieve great salaries for you.

There are several ways to enhance your academic training, and the main one is through postgraduate courses.

They are your opportunity to learn even more about your area, delving deeper into topics that were only covered superficially during graduation and keeping up to date with news and trends in the profession.

5 – It is also worth investing in free courses

In addition to specializations, another way to stay updated and up to date with knowledge in your area is through NanoCourses . They are free courses, of short duration and not as robust as a postgraduate course, but still quite important to transform you into an even more complete professional.

With free courses, you will be able to self-develop on a series of issues, learning new skills in record time and having the chance to “try out” new professional possibilities. This way, they complement your CV and help you stay “up to date” with news and trends.

6 – Continuously expand and cultivate your network

Remember we mentioned the ability to connect with other graduate students? Among dozens of other ways, this is the type of opportunity that helps you build a network, that is, a network of contacts.

And yes, it makes a difference to have good networking throughout your career. Having close contact with other professionals in the field will help you develop in several ways. You will have access to new opportunities, you will be able to have discussions and debates about the area, exchange information about content, get support, ask for advice and much more.

Did you see how getting referrals and finding out about selection processes is just a small part of all the benefits of networking?

7 – Place self-knowledge at the center of the process

Finally, a strategy that should be present throughout your professional journey is to seek self-knowledge. There’s no point running away: knowing yourself deeply is the only way to recognize your strengths and weaknesses, understand yourself, know what you want and identify how far you’re willing to go.

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