Family business: see tips and care needed to be successful in this model

It is estimated that today, around 90% of companies incorporated have family origins. Of this universe, a large percentage have relatives working in the business. Because of this, the subject of family business has become so relevant and has been the objective of studies and content.

Who has never experienced difficulties when applying rules within their own home? It gets difficult because we are dealing with loved ones and intimacy ends up becoming routine to the point where things start to go off track. It’s no different in a family business, so you need to organize your company. To do this, pay attention to some aspects:

1. Make an organizational chart

This is an essentiapoint to l help set limits and start organizing the company’s responsibilities. An organizational chart must be created, which is nothing more than a documented company organization scheme. It describes the positions, their duties and their appropriate representatives. Despite being an apparently bureaucratic measure, the organizational chart helps a lot to specify functions and avoid possible problems.

2. Compatible remuneration

It is very common in family businesses to set salaries completely outside the reality of the activity and the business, what is commonly practiced in the market, both upward and downward. It is extremely important that salaries compatible with each position are paid, respecting the respective ceilings. The care here, in addition to not representing a financial problem in the company, is also to avoid comments, buzz about this or that relative being privileged there, earning much more than they should, for example.

Normally, the most common types of remuneration in this case are: Pro-labore and monthly withdrawals, dividends  in the case of partners, or even the monthly salary for other employees. This way you will avoid discussions and future accounting losses.

3. Don’t be afraid to change

Having a family in the company can often represent a block to necessary changes in the business. Also hold periodic meetings as a form of business planning and organization. It is necessary to always establish goals within the business activity that they carry out. This means there is the possibility of greater control over the progress of the business and, of course, its employees. If necessary, make changes. Don’t be afraid to take risks in new experiences to avoid leaving your activities obsolete.

4. Have the freedom to make decisions

It is very likely that throughout your business life you will feel the need to renew your employee portfolio. This is very normal in any company, at various times in the life of the business. Therefore, before hiring anyone, whether they are family or not, know that you should never hire someone who for some reason cannot fire them in the future. Remember: you need to make decisions based on the results. In this scenario, perhaps one or some of your employees are not producing the expected results and you have to change them to achieve the desired goal.

5. Equal duties and rights

No privileges or work overload. For example: you like vacations, don’t you? In a family business, this doesn’t change for anyone. Members or employees also need to take vacation, regardless of whether they own their own business or are relatives. Physical and mental exhaustion tends to be a hindrance at work, even getting in the way of achieving goals and completing tasks .

In addition to vacations, provide a pleasant work environment where people can relax a little to renew their strength and achieve more in their activities. Large companies today adopt this practice as a form of motivation to make work not an obligation, but a place where people go because they like it. This goes for a family business too. Don’t forget that there are people nearby, but they are not at home. It will always be a work environment.

The future of my family business

Well, if your company aims to remain active for generations and generations, its future administrators must begin to familiarize themselves with the field of activity it carries out. As for your originality, it is common for it to get a little lost and you need to be flexible about that.

Along with the time that has passed, new consumer needs arise and your company needs to adapt. This ranges from new technologies to speed up work and automate it to new market trends to new products or services. Although it may seem worrying at first, this is great for business. Your customers will realize that your company is prepared for the future and will consequently meet all their needs.

And, yes, as with everything in life, if well led and managed, a family business can be very successful. All partners and administrators need to do is pay attention to these tips and details. Always keep an eye on business market trends.

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