Facebook Ads: Start Your Campaigns Today! {6 ways to advertise}

Discover the main differences between each type of Facebook campaign and discover which one makes the most sense for your business

Currently, advertisements made through Facebook campaigns play a fundamental role in promoting the most diverse types of businesses, as they generate an increase in public interest and the visibility of companies that wish to advertise on the famous social network.

** Facebook ads ** campaigns consist of impacting certain segmented users, in a way that generates interest in a product or service in question. In this way, advertising on the network represents an essential tool for those looking to stand out in the digital environment.

The creative process may seem simple but to obtain a good result, campaigns need to be optimized, preferably by someone who has already mastered creating ads on the social network, as this way, the risks of not obtaining a favorable return increase considerably.

Facebook Ads Library

The Facebook Ad Library is a tool that allows users to view active and past ads running across all Facebook platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Audience Network.

This library is a public source of transparency about the ads served, permitting users to search for ads by page, catchphrase, or even promotion ID.

Additionally, the tool features information about the amount spent on the ads, the targeted audience, and the date of publication. It can be a very interesting tool for users who want to gain insights into the advertising strategies of companies or organizations active on Facebook.

Necessary prerequisites

First of all, you want to have a genuine record on Facebook. Keep in mind, counterfeit accounts are easily hindered. You also need to set up a record in the Ads Administrator, which is the platform that will be used to deal with the ads. Likewise, the advertiser is also going to require a Facebook page, known as a fanpage.

Below, we will explain better how the different types of campaigns work and which ones are most appropriate for each type of business.

Facebook Ads Campaigns

Facebook offers a wide assortment of mission types to meet diverse advertiser needs. Here are some of the primary ones:

Brand Awareness Campaigns (Brand):

– Objective: Increase brand visibility and recognition, focusing on ad exposure to achieve the greatest number of views possible

Engagement Campaigns:

– Objective: Stimulate user interaction and involvement, encouraging likes, comments, shares and participation in events.

Traffic Campaigns:

– Objective: Direct the user to a specific page, optimizing clicks on the ad link, in order to increase visits to the website.

App Install Campaigns:

– Objective: Promote the download of apps, encouraging users to download and install applications on cell phones or tablets.

Lead Generation Campaigns:

– Objective: Capture contact information from targeted users through forms integrated into the ad, for future approach.

Conversion Campaigns:

– Objective: Stimulate specific actions, such as purchases or registrations.

Video Campaigns:

– Objective: Promote videos to increase engagement, preferably with impactful visual content to attract attention.

Remarketing Campaigns:

– Objective: The objective of remarketing campaigns is to re-connect with users who already have had contact with the brand, remaining present in their minds and encouraging conversion.

Some examples of these, but the choice of campaign type will depend on each company’s action plan and marketing strategies.

Is it worth it to advertise on Facebook Ads?

Advertising on Facebook Ads will certainly increase your company’s visibility on social media , boosting conversions, generating exposure and bringing new business opportunities.

This choice offers financial flexibility, allowing personalized investments, according to your available budget and easily controlled, and can be adjusted whenever necessary.

Advantages of advertising on Facebook

The great advantage of creating your campaigns on Facebook (and other target channels, such as Instagram ads) is that the platform can help you segment your audience, allowing you to target ads based on the personal characteristics and interests of each user, in order to reach the ideal customer. All this through its algorithm.

In addition, there are a series of other advantages such as:

  • Usability: Facebook ad formats are designed to be attractive, flexible, and compatible with all devices and connection speeds.

This means your ads will be effective no matter what device your potential customers are using.

  • Overview: Evaluating the performance of your campaigns is essential to check if your strategy is working and the Meta Ads campaign manager has tools with extremely assertive indexes where you can evaluate some specific metrics and better understand the return on investment (ROI) in your advertising campaigns.

Top Facebook Ad Formats

Next, we’ll show you the main ad formats on Facebook.


One of the most used resources in Meta Ads campaigns is image. This type of campaign consists of using an image that will be shared in the news feed and that will promote the company or brand’s product or service.

The big question is: just a good image is not enough. It is also necessary to think about persuasive text, that is, good copywriting, to generate interest in the user and guarantee good results for the campaign.

In addition, images must follow the appropriate ad manager standards, with a resolution of at least 1080 x 1080 pixels and in JPEG or PNG format.


Another very traditional format that is often seen in feeds are video ads. The recommended duration of videos is a maximum of 60 seconds.

Because they are an audiovisual resource, videos tend to engage better and are a great promotional strategy, with a high capacity to attract the attention of the target audience.

They must be in MP4, MOV or GIF format, and subtitles are optional, but recommended, mainly due to the fact that many users browse the feed or stories with the sound turned off, in addition to the fact that we can reach users with some type of disability.

Just like image ads, videos can also have small copy texts to complement the message they intend to deliver.


In the carousel format, up to 10 images or videos can be included in a single ad – each with its own title, description, link and CTA.

To view, people can click on the arrows or, in the case of mobile devices, swipe the screen to see all the images.

This functionality allows you to incorporate multiple products into a single ad, simplifying the user experience by providing detailed information about the services and products offered by the company. Furthermore, it provides a creative approach to promoting the business.


Collection format ads are aimed at mobile devices. In other words, for those who want to advertise products or services aimed at mobile.

These ads in a collection format make it easier to discover, browse and purchase products and services directly on your mobile device and are usually very attractive.

You, as an advertiser, can include an image or video of the cover, followed by four images of the product or service in question. Thus, when a person clicks on an ad in the collection, they will have an instant experience (also called Canvas), full screen, capable of generating more engagement and encouraging consumer interest and attention.

Instant experience

Instant experience is a type of ad that is also aimed at mobile devices. It appears full screen after an ad click, which promotes a complete user experience.

With the instant experience, you can attract and capture people’s attention, tell a story about your business, promote products or services and add different types of formats and content.

Slideshow (slideshow)

A slideshow is a type of video ad created from a series of images (you can upload three to seven photos) that can tell the story of your business.

Frames should be short, lasting 5 to 15 seconds. Photos can be chosen from existing videos, photo shoots or even Facebook image banks.

The goal of this ad is to create light, engaging videos that can be played in places with limited connectivity or on simpler mobile devices. Additionally, this format reduces the need for video production resources and time.

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