8 Digital Marketing Tips for your Online Store

Today, we’ve compiled a list of eight techniques to use digital marketing to your online business and achieve the greatest results.

What is Digital Marketing?

Before we talk about ways to use digital marketing to benefit your business, let’s better understand its concept.

Ultimately, digital marketing corresponds to a series of actions carried out on the internet to, basically:

  • Create a relationship with customers;
  • Generate new opportunities,
  • And configure an identity for the enterprise.

Structuring a digital marketing plan for your online store can provide several advantages, such as:

  • Improve your business’s online presence;
  • Generate greater engagement with the public;
  • Monitor the purchasing journey;
  • Consumer loyalty,
  • And target audience segmentation.

We saw above what digital marketing is, and what are the advantages of implementing its strategies in your business, to generate better results.

Now, let’s look at ways on how to apply digital marketing to your online store:

1 – Work with content marketing

A great strategy for capturing leads is to invest in content marketing. After all, using this type of action, you significantly improve the performance of your business.

In fact, you can either create better descriptions of your online store’s products, or produce supporting content for a blog, becoming an authority on the subject.

In the case of product descriptions and on the blog, it is necessary to use SEO strategies and create original content. So that they rank better on Google. This will help attract visibility and visitors to your online store.

For this, it is very interesting to apply the sales funnel. And always offer new, interesting content that adds value and relevance to the public.

2 – Email marketing

Another important tool for attracting customers is email marketing. After capturing leads through the production of content on the blog, you can develop relationships with your consumers through email.

However, it is important to be careful not to be invasive, making contact too frequently. Here, the most important thing is to ensure a presence for your customers, so they don’t forget your brand.

Additionally, you can also centralize specific bottom-of-the-funnel strategies.

3 – Always be active on social media

Social networks are very suitable for boosting your sales. Because, just like email marketing, they are also a way of maintaining engagement with your target audience.

With them, it is possible to develop relationships with consumers through real-time interaction. Furthermore, you can also boost your publications and define a specific audience to reach.

Don’t forget to pay attention to the design!  Visual content on social media is essential to attract the attention of potential customers to your store. See the main benefits of using a good design for your store’s social media:

  • Greater engagement
  • Content memorization
  • Visual identity creation
  • Recognition of your brand

It is possible to use standardized templates with all the dimensions and guidelines of each social network easily using the Canva platform, which is simple, intuitive and has several free resources.

4 – Sponsored links and digital marketing

Sponsored links are simple ads, with texts produced based on SEO and digital marketing strategies. They can be targeted to appear on the Google home page, on blogs, news portals, among other places.

This marketing strategy has become one of the paid options increasingly used by companies. It helps accelerate your results and strategic testing.

5 – Create a blog rich in content

As we saw previously, using content marketing is a very useful strategy. It helps to generate authority among your audience. Because blogs:

  • Increase the visibility of companies;
  • These are relatively low-cost options;
  • It helps to increase the customer list through lead generation;
  • They allow the generation of income through the sale of advertising,
  • And they develop the relationship and presentation with the target audience.

6 – Provide discounts and promotions on commemorative dates

Creating discounts on commemorative dates and at the end of seasons are also good opportunities to increase sales and release certain stranded products.

However, to stand out, it is important to follow some tips, as below:

  • Develop differentiated strategies;
  • Pay attention to the most popular products in your store (which are the focus of promotions);
  • Keep your website always updated (to avoid inconvenience during the increase in traffic generated at these times),
  • And calculate how much the acquisition of each customer is worth (so as not to take losses).

7 – Inbound, Outbound, offering promotions and/or discounts

These are two strategies for generating leads. Inbound is a technique for attracting and informing customers, producing relevant content. In other words, the so-called passive prospecting.

Outbound involves using a colder approach, called active prospecting. In this case, instead of attracting customers, the idea is to approach customers.

With these techniques combined with the use of promotions and discounts, it is possible to generate a lot of engagement with your customers. As well as greater volume of conversions.

8 – Partnerships with YouTube and Instagramers, providing discounts

Partnerships with YouTube and Instagram influencers are excellent ways to promote your website and products.

They have a wide range of visibility. And they are capable of adding a lot to your business. It consists of active and effective promotion of your brand and products.

Generally, when promoting products, you can take advantage of the reach of Youtubers and Instagramers, providing discount coupons. In addition to being able to better measure the results of this marketing action.

This type of partnership is very good for both your business and influencers. Because they will gift their followers with the discounts.

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