7 strategies to overcome perfectionism; look here

A person is considered a perfectionist when they seek extreme excellence in their tasks and professional achievements. Behavior involves setting high standards and making maximum effort to achieve them. Although it seems like a quality, it can also represent disadvantages. Therefore, it can be important to know how to overcome perfectionism in a healthy way.

In this case, balance is considered fundamental, that is: the person needs to recognize the moments when the search for perfection is necessary and when it is more important to be efficient and pragmatic.

To know how to maintain this balance, professionals can focus on developing time management, stress management and self-knowledge skills.

Is perfectionism good or bad?

It’s already a corporate cliché: many people immediately think about perfectionism when they are questioned about a defect during a job interview.

But the truth is that it is not necessarily a weak point. As we have already mentioned, the question is knowing how to consider this characteristic, which can be both the professional’s greatest ally and its main obstacle.

Therefore, we can consider it as a characteristic with advantages and disadvantages, and the impact depends on the way it is manifested and the context in which it is applied.

Perfectionism at work can be valuable when focused on quality and constant improvement. Notwithstanding, when it becomes excessive and leads to stress, procrastination and problems in interpersonal relationships, it very well may be unsafe.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Perfectionism

When it comes to the advantages of perfectionism at work, we can observe the production of high-quality results, taking into account efforts to eliminate errors.

Another pertinent point is the focus on excellence, as perfectionists are dedicated to achieving the highest standards in their tasks and projects.

In turn, perfectionists tend to meet deadlines and obligations meticulously, demonstrating commitment to their responsibilities.

In any case, perfectionism can prompt procrastination, as these professionals might hesitate to start or get done with responsibilities because of a paranoid fear of not satisfying their own high guidelines. It is actually significant that the incessant search for flawlessness can cause nervousness and exhaustion.

Perfectionist professionals also will generally be disparaging of themselves and others, which can hurt relationships in the work environment.

Besides, not all tasks require the same degree of detail and flawlessness. The search for flawlessness in movements of every kind can be wasteful.

8 strategies to overcome perfectionism

Managing perfectionism in a sound manner can be the way to adjusting the pursuit of greatness with personal and professional prosperity. Fortunately, some strategies assist with dealing with this way of behaving.

1 – Self-knowledge

The first step to overcoming this characteristic is recognizing it. By making an assessment of their own behavior, professionals can understand how it affects their life and work.

Assessing your own characteristics can be important in many ways at work, and the advantages go far beyond overcoming the incessant search for perfection: it helps to improve performance, find positive and negative points for development, etc.

2 – Priorities

The professional must also recognize that not all tasks require the same level of perfection. Therefore, the tip is to prioritize tasks, dedicating more time and energy to those that really need detailed attention and leaving others with more flexible standards.

Another recommendation is to avoid becoming overwhelmed with tasks, projects and responsibilities. Learning to say “no” when necessary and setting limits can be crucial.

3 – Realistic goals

Instead of seeking perfection in every task, professionals should also set realistic and achievable goals for their projects and responsibilities. This should help reduce the pressure you put on yourself and, in turn, decrease stress and anxiety.

4 – Well-established deadlines

It is also pertinent to set and follow deadlines for tasks and projects. A great enemy of perfectionism is procrastination, as such behavior often leads to postponing the beginning of a task. Thus, the strategy can combat this negative effect.

5 – Acceptance

The professional needs to recognize that absolute perfection is rarely achievable and that it is normal to make mistakes and have areas for improvement. Understanding these imperfections as learning opportunities can be a starting point for professional development.

6 – Less self-criticism

Still following this line of reasoning, it is important to be kind and compassionate towards yourself. Avoiding excessive self-criticism and being more tolerant prevents several negative effects on mental health.

7 – Time management

Improving time management skills to be more efficient in tasks and projects can also be a relevant tip in overcoming this characteristic. This is because proper planning can reduce the need for perfection at the last minute.

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