6 reasons to invest in professional development and evolve

Have you noticed how news and innovations are even more frequent in all areas of the job market? With each new week, all professions find new ways of working and are surprised by innovative trends. Therefore, if you want to remain competitive in the market, you need to invest in professional development.

Changes in the professional world arise from changes in society, mechanical advances and the need to convey shockingly better services and products. Therefore, albeit the information obtained during graduation and years of involvement are significant, large numbers of them risk becoming obsolete.

This has occurred at an impressive speed, which leads companies to look for employees committed to keeping up with all relevant changes in their areas. And in addition, they want professionals ready to be part of the news and contribute to renewals within the company itself.

In short, being an up-to-date professional is already on the list of prerequisites for all job vacancies, and if you don’t act to keep your knowledge recycled, you could fall behind in selection processes.

So what’s the best way to do this? And how can we actually define updating in the professional world?

What is professional updating?

Firstly, how about making the expression very well defined and explained? When we talk about updating yourself professionally, we are talking about a continuous learning effort.

Taking into account everything we discussed above, the term refers to the process of not complacent and being clear about the importance of monitoring the job market in its various spheres.

This means knowing what the trends are in your area, being aware of innovations in the sector, understanding the demands of the job market and developing the most targeted skills, and keeping your technical skills, the famous hard skills, updated. After all, have you ever imagined what medicine would be like if doctors weren’t updated with each new discovery?

This logic can be applied to all professions. All markets are constantly changing, and in order not to be left behind, you can incorporate some habits and make certain decisions for your career.

How to be an updated professional?

Below, check out 6 essential actions for every professional who wants to stay up to date. This way, you can start moving today, ensuring that nothing will escape your radar.

1 – Don’t leave your profession just at work

A mistake made by many professionals is to leave their career only for office hours. Thus, you end up restricted to what is part of the company’s universe where you are now, letting a series of visions, opportunities and insights go unnoticed.

This doesn’t mean you have to live 100% for your professional life. However, it is important to find a balance to be able to dedicate yourself to both your career and your personal life. So, when it is not possible to fit learning moments into the business period, it is worth finding ways to update yourself outside of work.

This movement does not need to be “plastered” and boring. In reality, the idea is that the updating mentality becomes part of your daily life, becoming something light and natural for you.

See the best options below, which can mix moments inside and outside office hours.

2 – Participate in events, lectures and conferences

A great way to find out about trends in your area is to participate in external events. They can be lectures, symposiums, congresses, university events, Councils, Associations and even other companies.

Such events usually bring together great professionals from the most diverse areas and sectors, generally focusing on news and issues that are currently being discussed. This way, you can learn from market references and also from colleagues who will also be at the hearing, whether in person or virtually.

It’s your chance to update and network on the same occasion, which will often take place during business hours and can be negotiated, and even financed, by your company. Don’t be afraid to talk about such opportunities with your manager: most of the time, leaders like to know that their teams are looking for new learning.

3 – Use social networks, such as LinkedIn, to your advantage

Since we mentioned virtual opportunities, have you noticed how social networks are no longer environments purely for leisure and entertainment? Nowadays, the professional side is everywhere.

Whether on LinkedIn, which is essentially aimed at the job market, or on other networks, such as Instagram and Facebook, there are countless opportunities to ensure your radar is on.

For example, you can follow other professionals in your field, follow the profiles of companies in sectors of interest and keep an eye on other users’ discussions, whether about the market in general or about your profession.

Furthermore, you can follow specific pages and media outlets, which always provide up-to-date views and information about the job market and all sectors of the economy around the world.

4 – Consume relevant and updated content in your area

In fact, networks are a great space to consume relevant and “fresh” content for your area. But they don’t stop there. The internet is full of books, e-books, videos, films, documentaries, articles and materials that, little by little, increase your repertoire and guarantee updating.

Websites, media outlets, social networks, free libraries, streaming and much more. All of these offer valuable opportunities, with dynamic content that makes learning moments also entertaining.

5 – Follow companies in the same area and in the same sector

Remember we mentioned the importance of “looking at your neighbor”? This means monitoring other companies in your area and sector, whether they are competitors or not. The relevance lies in being able to open your eyes to issues that may be overlooked in the company where you currently work, and taking these insights “inside” is essential.

This way, you will become a more complete professional and aware of the need not to “close yourself” in your own company. There are many good ideas and reflections in other organizations that can benefit everyone.

6 – Invest in a postgraduate degree

Last but not least, we have the opportunity that unites several of the points mentioned above. That is why it is the central point for professional development.

We are talking about postgraduate studies, that is, the specialization courses that are offered by our educational institutions. In addition to being a way to delve deeper into a specific topic in your area, or even make a career transition, taking a postgraduate degree also means updating yourself.

This happens because courses are continually reviewed and launched, ensuring that all market demands and innovations in the area will be included in the postgraduate curriculum.

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