10 tips for customer retention after Black Friday

Retaining customers after Black Friday is a challenge and, therefore, it is as important as selling. A customer who purchased once and enjoyed the sales experience is more likely to purchase again and recommend your store.

Although it may seem that the price was the only factor that made you purchase, there are several other factors included in the experience! For example: delivery time, product quality, level of service and the feeling when the purchase arrived.

Delays, cancellations and false discounts are the most common complaints during seasonal dates, which is why they hinder customer retention. This entire purchasing process requires that your store, in addition to fulfilling what was promised in the advertisement, delivers some additional features.

10 tips for customer retention after Black Friday

Customer retention is a daily objective for every store, but this challenge is greater on seasonal dates such as Black Friday. After all, it is a time of year when customers are expecting purchases and sales increase significantly.

Check out 10 tips for customer retention after Black Friday below.

Offer a sale that delivers on the promise made

Make an excellent impression on the customer and make them have a worry-free shopping experience. The price must be simplified and the delivery time cannot be delayed, but an important issue is the quality of the item sold.

Improve the performance of your online store with a business management system to avoid stock failures, delays and cancellations. Through this resource, the customer purchases, receives it on time and has a more positive experience.

Establish a relationship with buyers

Customer retention after Black Friday 2021 ensures that you have your customer’s contact. For example: the buyer selected the “receive news” option at checkout, the email channel can be used.

Send valuable content through your newsletter and create a relationship of trust based on communication. A satisfied customer will always remember your store when making a new purchase and therefore cannot be abandoned.

Bring extra benefits to the customer

The objective is customer retention, but how do you get buyers to buy again? An excellent option is to make yourself available with excellent service. Alternatively, you can offer advantages to the customer, for example:

  • Free shipping on a new purchase;
  • Discount coupon for a new purchase;
  • E-book with some content related to what was purchased.

These benefits are essential to improving the sales experience, as they add a lot of value to your offer. When well aligned with a quality store system, your business is significantly different from the competition.

Modernize your e-commerce layout

Work on the look of your store. Customers also “buy with their eyes”! In this scenario, the layout must be modernized in an intuitive way. The importance of having a business management system was mentioned above, the same must be said about the visual part of your e-commerce.

Ensure more trust and credibility for your customer through this resource, while attracting new visitors. Test new themes and templates, then choose a more intuitive and visually pleasing alternative.

Work on the mental trigger of novelty

From Black Friday to Christmas, the hope is for sales to increase and increase revenue, but what to do in the first months of the following year? To retain customers, run promotions and work on the mental trigger of newness.

The profit margin may even be a little tighter, but at least it will provide for inventory turnover. Sales control, for example, shows which products sell the most and this helps management define the best tactics.

Avoid anxiety about making new sales

The desire to retain customers after Black Friday is great, however there is no point in rushing. Remember: customers rarely buy the same product in a row, because there is a window for repurchases.

There is no point in communicating with the target audience and “forcing a new sale”, even this strategy is very harmful. Therefore, continue with relationship actions based on customer interests and therefore respect the moment.

Offer free content

Free videos, e-books and webinars are excellent options, as they engage the public and provide valuable information on the subject. Social networks can be used for this or even YouTube itself, just invest in the ideal strategy based on your target audience.

Capriche in customer service

Service is very important for the entire customer retention and sales process, therefore, it begins in the pre-sales phrase and is completed post-sale. However, it is possible to avoid most complaints, for this you need to have organization within e-commerce.

Use multiple service channels, for example: chats, telephone, email, social networks, etc.

Use email marketing

To retain customers, it is crucial to use email marketing, as it will enable the development of a relationship between seller and buyer. Avoid being too technical in your messages, use content that is more humanized and as if it were a conversation with customers.

Use an online ERP to simplify management

A good business management system saves you time and greatly reduces rework. Through this feature, you can control stock and sales, as well as simplify the issuance of bills and invoices.

The store system is complete, online and makes your business management easier! And the best part: you don’t need to download anything to your computer.

Organization is a differentiator in most businesses and goes beyond Black Friday, because it must be a premise of every business. When the end of the year arrives and sales increase, the environment will be better organized and ready to satisfy demand.

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